If you are having problems getting onto Google Classroom please can you check the following:

  • You must have an active Internet connection to sign in.
  • The recommended browser for Google Classroom is an up to date version of Google Chrome. We are aware of some issues using Internet Explorer or browsers that haven’t been updated.
  • Make sure that you are signing in via the Chantry Middle School website.
  • Please use your school account username. Personal Google accounts won’t work for Google Classroom as they are not part of our school domain. Examples of how usernames are formatted for each year group are shown below:

Year 5: 19joe.bloggs
Year 6: 18joe.bloggs
Year 7: 17joe.bloggs
Year 8: 16joe.bloggs

  • Your password is the same password that you use in school. Please email [email protected] if you have forgotten your password (this is usually 8 characters long).
  • The Google Classroom codes for each year group are shown below:

Year 5: kjg66g2
Year 6: qilduik
Year 7: vk5tkik
Year 8: wfyfgdh


Please see this document for further information

This is another link that may help also