winners (2)Year 6 got creative during their last week of French. They have been studying how to make colours agree depending on whether what you are describing is masculine, feminine or plural – something we don’t have to think about in English!

For homework, they had to create an item in the most imaginative way possible (and label it in French of course). Amrit made ‘Un Poisson Multicolore’ using a variety of beautiful feathers, Corie made ‘Une Chaussure Noire’ by plaster casting, Chloe used a never-ending amount of tissue paper to make ‘Une Pastèque Rouge et Noire’, Jay got handy with an electric jigsaw to produce ‘Un Homme Marron’ and Cole created a whole McDonald’s Happy Meal for his ‘Le Fastfood Rouge and Jaune’.

Félicitations to all of our winners.  We had some amazing entries across the year group and a display of their work will go up in September.  Bonnes vacances tout le monde!